Hand + Eye Rejuvenation


Hands are one of the first areas on our body to show aging. Because the hands are often unprotected from the sun and other weather elements, they are more prone to free radical damage causing aging brown spots. Also over time, our hands lose plumpness and firmness, which can reveal prominent underlying veins and tendons. We inject Radiesse or Sculptra into the hands to replenish volume. If your hands also have brown spots, we can combine IPL photorejuvenation in the same visit for an even more pleasing effect. For more aggressive approach, we recommend CO2 fractionated skin resurfacing, which treats both wrinkles and pigment, and jumpstarts collagen building. We also remove unsightly hand veins with sclerotherapy.


Thinning skin, sun damage, and facial expressions take their toll on the delicate eye area. Rejuvenating the area around your eyes brightens and refreshes a more youthful appearance for your entire face. Various surgical and non-surgical eye rejuvenation procedures can help to:

  • Restore your skin’s natural volume and fullness
  • Diminish dark under eye circles, bags, and puffiness
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet)
  • Restore suppleness and vitality of thin, delicate skin
  • Stimulate longer, darker, fuller eyelashes
  • Result in a bright-eyed, rested look

In order to revitalize your eyes and achieve optimal results, your physician will help you identify and target the problems with a specific technique or combination of techniques. A treatment plan is customized to each patient’s own needs and may include:

  • Botox/Dysport – to gently erase or soften crow’s feet or laughter lines
  • IPL – to stimulate elasticity and collagen as well as reduce puffiness and treat dark circles in people with an excess of small capillaries and blood vessels.
  • Latisse – to promote thicker, longer, stronger lashes
  • Dermal Fillers – to restore lost volume or hollows below the eyes
  • Topical Antioxidant Creams – to target the delicate area around the eye to strengthen the tissue, increase collagen and elastin, reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness and brighten under eye circles
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) – to treat loose or sagging skin, excess fatty deposits, bags under the eyes, or drooping eyelids on the upper or lower lids or both.

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