

A brief list of popular topical agents, or products applied directly to the skin, are listed below. The experts at Ulmer and Wu Dermatology will recommend a topical treatment regimen for acne or anti-aging that’s right for you.

An everyday mild cleanser should be always be used to ensure skin is ph-balanced and primed for other topical treatments. And, of course, daily use of sunscreen is necessary to help avoid skin cancers, melasma, wrinkles, sunspots and other signs of aging.

  • Retin-A or Retinol: Considered the “gold standard” of anti-aging, vitamin A and its derivatives are superstars that help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, sun damage, and dull skin. Retinoic acid has been shown to increase collagen production and help fade discolorations from sun damage. Research also points to its potential for building collagen and elastin.
  • Antioxidants for Eyes: Green tea or caffeine based products are very effective in reducing puffiness and under-eye bags.
  • Triple DNA Repair Enzymes: Referred to as “anti-aging” heroes, DNA repair enzymes are produced naturally in the human body. Unfortunately, after the age of 30, when we need them the most, our bodies produce less and less repair enzymes. DNA repair enzymes act like like a pair of molecular scissors, cutting out damaged DNA and replacing it with new DNA. They can recognize and correct damage from UV radiation, improve collagen and elastin, and soften wrinkles and pigmentation. Triple DNA Repair Enzymes effectively reverse the intrinsic aging process.

Contact us today to learn which topical treatment is the best for you.

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